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A Flickering Reality: Cinema and the Nature of Reality
Alice and the Quantum Cat
Companion to the Project Alpha Papers
Dialogues in Diversity: Art from Marginal to Mainstream
Equipment for Living
Feeding People is Easy
From Object to Life: A Journey Through the Extraordinary Worlds of Autism
Gentle Action
Good Food for Everyone Forever
Holy Wedding: The Inclusion of Synchronicity and hermetic Principles in the Worldview of the 21st Century
I Ching – Il libro dei mutamenti
Il Dizionario: Compendio ragionato dell’Idioma corrente – Lettere: A-I
In Search of Psi: Contemporary Perspectives on Extra-Sensory Perception, Psychokinesis and Survival
L’Inglese come Lingua Globale
Literature, Moderns, Monsters, Popsters and Us
Necessary Chances: Synchronicity in the Encounters that Transform Us
New Sun, Sea, Sex and the Unspoilt Countryside
Our Secret Powers: Telepathy, Clairvoyance and Precognition, A short history of nearly everything paranormal
Pathways of Chance
Pensieri, Canzoni e Poesie
Pilgrimages to Emptiness: Rethinking Reality through Quantum Physics
Return of the World Soul: Wolfgang Pauli, C.G. Jung and the Challenge of Psychophysical Reality – Part 1: The Battle of the Giants
Return of the World Soul: Wolfgang Pauli, C.G. Jung and the Challenge of Psychophysical Reality – Part 2: A Psychophysical Theory
Shakespeare’s 100 Greatest Dramatic Images
Sun, Sea, Sex and the Unspoilt Countryside
Synchronicity: Multiple Perspectives on Meaningful Coincidence
Synchronicity: The Marriage of Matter and Psyche
The Composer’s Dream: Essays on Dreams, Creativity and Change
The Enigma of Numbers
The Great Re-Think: A 21st Century Renaissance
The Pari Dialogues: Essays in Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science – Volume 2
The Pari Dialogues: Essays in Science, Religion, Society and the Arts – Volume 1
The Way We Die
Unveiling the Breath: One Woman’s Journey into Understanding Islam and Gender Equality
“I reckon I know how Leonardo da Vinci must have felt…”
Adam Rock
Claire and John Saunders
Claudio Jachetti
Colin Tudge
David Crystal
David Duncan
Donna Kennedy-Glans
F. David Peat
George Stade
Gloria Cappelli
Jeff Vézina
John K. Grande
Lance Storm
Leslie Ivan and Maureen Melrose
Massimo Schinco
Paolo Chionio
Peter R. Phillips
Remo F. Roth
Shantena Augusto Sabbadini
Terje Gerotti Simonsen
William Brandon Shanley
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