Terje G. Simonsen’s Our Secret Powers is proving a hit among the big names in psychology/parapsychology/religion. Check out the endorsements by Stanley Krippner, Dean Radin, Stephan A. Schwartz, Etzel Cardeña, Adrian Parker and Jeffrey J. Kripal
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Our Secret Powers: Telepathy, Clairvoyance and Precognition, A short history of nearly everything paranormal

Holy Wedding: The Inclusion of Synchronicity and hermetic Principles in the Worldview of the 21st Century

Return of the World Soul: Wolfgang Pauli, C.G. Jung and the Challenge of Psychophysical Reality – Part 2: A Psychophysical Theory
Pari Publishing News
Coming soon: Our Secret Powers by Terje G. Simonsen
Our Secret Powers: Telepathy, Clairvoyance and Precognition, A short history of nearly everything paranormal has been endorsed by the following leading parapsychologists:
Christmas Releases
We are pleased to announce our Christmas releases: Pilgrimages to Emptiness: Rethinking Reality through Quantum Physics by Shantena Augusto Sabbadini PhD, Explores the essential unity of Mind and Matter And Our Secret Powers: Telepathy, Clairvoyance and Precognition by Terje Gerotti Simonsen PhD, An entertaining a short history of nearly everything paranormal
“Holy Wedding” by Remo Roth now available
We are pleased to announce the release of Remo F. Roth’s Holy Wedding: The Inclusion of Synchronicity and Hermetic Principles in the Worldview of the 21st Century. Holy Wedding is the opus of a trilogy that commenced with Dr. Roth’s previous works Return of the World Soul I, an analysis of the pivotal relationship between the great minds of depth psychologist Carl Jung and physicist Wolfgang Pauli, and Return of the World Soul II, a model of psychophysical reality for a generative world.
Read an excerpt from Chapter 8 – Return to Synchronicity
Synchronicities involve causally unrelated events that have the same meaning, with generally one relating to our inner world and the other being an event in the exterior world. In other words, patterns or events occur together without recourse to the normal pushes and pulls of causality. They therefore transcend the everyday laws of science, for […] Read more →
Read the beginning of the book
«In March 2011, a professor of botany at Montana State University, having just read Arthur Koestler’s (1972) book The Roots of Coincidence, approached one of us, and asked the question: “Can you tell me, from your perspective of having critically reviewed the literature, is there now incontrovertible statistical evidence for psi?” (emphasis added). When statistical […] Read more →
Read F. David Peat’s preface
«It was the physicist Niels Bohr who famously said to Heisenberg, who was attempting to discuss the nature of ‘quantum reality,’ that ‘we are suspended in language in such a way that we cannot say what is up and what is down.’ I feel myself to be in a very similar position as I write […] Read more →
Numena: The Absurdity of Certainty
In Numena: The Absurdity of Certainty ex-theoretical quantum physicist turned reclusive philosopher, Dr. F. David Peat, elucidates how key innovations in science, art, and technology led to our sense of control over the world around us. In his medieval hilltop village in Tuscany [population of 190], David makes a plea for Gentle Action. Numena features […] Read more →
Bohm is Back!
A new controversial experiment, conducted by the University of Toronto, first proposed by Prof. Basil Hiley of London University, revives physicist David Bohm’s radical interpretation of quantum mechanics. The ESSW experiment proved his theory by observing the “surreal trajectories” of particles, and discovering that they follow the quantum potential predicted 40 years earlier by Bohm. […] Read more →
How do you get an interdisciplinary book published?
A work that straddles subject boundaries is an unattractive prospect for publishers, finds Martin Parker professor of organisation and culture at the University of Leicester. What happens if you have written a book that tries to blur categories, and you want to get it published? A book, for example that entangles literature, history and management in order […] Read more →
Bach and Hans-Eberhard Dentler
When Carl Sagan was asked which music he thought should be sent in the Voyager I space probe to regions where it might reach extraterrestrial intelligence he responded: ‘I would vote for Bach, all of Bach, streamed out into space over and over again. We would be bragging, of course, but it is surely excusable […] Read more →