Pari Publishing and ebooks

Publishing, book selling and e-books – the…

“Ministry of Stories” Nick Hornby’s Project to inspire young people

“We’re here in Hoxton because we love stories. And we know others do too, so we aim to help young people write their own stories..” from the new official Ministry of Stories site.

Nick Hornby has set up a shop in Hoxton High Street called “The Hoxton Street Monster Supplies” and it sells everything that any monster will need. This idea is based on a shop in San Franciso that sold everything that a pirate would need. As you went through the shop you would find young people writing stories, taking part in workshops and receiving mentoring from adult writers. There are now shops in Los Angles, Brooklyn and other parts of the UK. This original project was set up by Dave Eggers and he gave his blessing to Nick Hornby to do the same in the UK.

Good luck from all of the team at Pari Publishing, a fantastic project.